We welcome any queries, comments, or requests you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
Executive Committee
- Mr. Bernard Fominka {Nkem-Ntemboh} – President / CEO
- Dr. Primus Abila – Vice President
- Mr. Roland Atemnkeng (Secretary General / CIO
- Mr. Richard Fobellah (Vice-(CIO)
- Mr. Emile Nkem (Mbe Forjong) / Treasurer
- Mr. Martin Akabeza {Financial Sec/CFO)
- Mr. Christopher Simplice {Nkemnjinju} / Protocol Officer
Board of Trustees
- Mr. Charles Ntintinue – Nkemtongu (OH)
- Mr. Columbus Ashu (OH)
- Mr. Franklyn Fontem – Nkem Asaah (AZ)
- Mr. Robert Fondi – Nkemtanyi (MA)
- Mr. Julius Nkeze Nwetbefua (MA)
- Mr. Nick Fontem (MD)
- Mr. Tanyi Jonas Njinkeng (MD)
- Mrs. Patricia Morfaw (GA)
- HRH Fuambih Morfaw (Befua Rep)
- Mbe Mbuialeh (Bekem Rep)
- Nkem Amindeh Atabong (MI)
USA Advisers
- HRH Fominka, WDC
- Nkwetta Fuamuanya, Ohio
- Mr. Joseph Afiadata, New England
- Mr. Anthony Asong, Georgia
- Nkwetta Fuatabongacha Michael Taku, Arizona
- Health & Wellness Committee
- Road & Infrastructure Committee:
- Solar Electrification Committee
- Education Committee
- Economic Empowerment & Capacity building Committee
- Natural Resources & Forest Management Committee