Who We Are
LECUDO-USA was established for the sons and daughters of Lebang – united and committed to the Development of Lebang Fondom in the United States of America. LECUDO-USA is a non-governmental, non-profit organization representing the interests of the Lebang people of Lebialem, Africa. The organization was founded in 1982 for the Development and Improvement of the Lebang people and Fondom in Cameroon.
The American affiliate, created in 1994, is a 501c non-profit organization. LECUDO, with the mother branch in Cameroon, has chapters and representation in twenty-one countries, including the USA, Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany, The Netherlands, Russia, Canada, The Republic of South Africa, Nigeria, and other nations. The organization is dedicated to promoting the social, cultural, educational, and developmental well-being of the Lebang dynasty in the Diaspora.
The website is a showcase of the Lebang people, their rich heritage, evolving culture, and some of the activities of LECUDO-USA. It is an avenue to learn more about LECUDO-USA and how you can support the mission and vision of the organization.
LECUDO-USA is organized for the promotion of the culture and development of the Lebang Fondom or Bangwa people. The traditional Bangwa culture can be described as a class society with chiefs as traditional rulers assisted by nobles and other citizens of the clan. Children, women, and non-title holders have their place within the system, as it used to be in the olden days. Things have changed with the advent of Western-style education and a cash economy. The economy used to depend on farming, hunting, apprenticeship, and trading.
In 1992, the Fontem subdivision was elevated to a full prefecture called the Lebialem division, with the headquarters located in Menji. The geographic area can be described as a rectangle running from the Bamileke “grasslands” in the east down to the forest basin towards Mamfe in the west. The Bangwa people are hardworking and respectful of each other, including visitors. They live in compounds several hundred yards apart from each other and jealously guard their independence and territorial boundaries. Villages are ruled by a chief who acts as the family head. Polygamy had its advantages in the early days.
Each chiefdom is under a paramount chief called the Fon. Some chiefs with large territories organize a local market a day for their Lefem (secret society). The chiefs are assisted by nobles called beNkem who act as quarter or family heads. The culture was usually transmitted through storytelling, idioms, and wise sayings. The two most important groups in the cultural setup of the Bangwa people are the Night Society (Troh) and the Secret Society (Lefem).
Recent Traditional Enthronement
Fon Fontem Njifua (CPDM Central Committee member, President of the South West Chiefs’ Conference, and national Senator) was taken away by Troh Azi on April 2, 2014. He was enthroned on April 27, 1982, following the demise of Fontem Defang, who worked with the founder of the Focolari Movement, Chiara Lubich, to bring Seat of Wisdom College and Mary Health of Africa Hospital to the area.
On May 9, 2014, a younger Fon Fontem Asabaton was enthroned as the Fon of Fontem following the demise of his father, Fontem Njifua. The traditional enthronement ceremony was performed by the Lebang Kingmakers and members of the secret society. The occasion was attended by numerous dignitaries from Cameroon and abroad. It lasted for over a week at the Azi Palace.
Kingmakers caught members of the new traditional cabinet. The newly selected traditional rulers (male and female) were taken into the inner palace for enthronement rites and change of attire before being brought out in a solemn public appearance guided by the trohs and Kingmakers. Fon Fontem Asabaton succeeded his father, Fontem Njifua, the paramount ruler of Lebang and the biggest Fondom in the Lebialem division.
Our Mission Statement
LECUDO-USA (United and Committed to the Development of Lebang Fondom) is organized for the purposes of:
- Uniting persons originating from Lebang in the diaspora, so they maintain contact and stimulate their interest to stay engaged in the well-being of themselves and their division.
- Educating both young and old by enhancing the preservation of Lebang and Nweh culture through research and publication.
- Assisting in the rehabilitation of sanitary public infrastructure, including schools, roads, and hospitals, in Lebang.
- Providing access to community development facilities and services in Lebang.
LECUDO-USA is organized under the Maryland Nonprofit Corporation Code with perpetual existence and headquarters in Washington, DC. LECUDO-USA has graciously counted on the generosity of loyal members, friends, and well-wishers who have funded its many projects.
Our Vision Statement
Our vision is to empower the Lebang community to achieve their full potential through equitable access to education, healthcare, economic opportunities, and community development initiatives. We strive to create a world where the Lebang Fondom has the resources and support they need to lead fulfilling and meaningful lives.
We hope that you will find the information posted here both informative and rewarding. You are welcome to contribute or make constructive comments. Please come back often to learn and to support our efforts in the development of the struggling masses in Lebang. We look forward to collaborating with you.
Get In Touch
For more information about us and our advocacy, please contact us here.
Lebang Dynasty
HRM Fontem Njifua
HRH Fontem Defang
HRM Fontem Asabaton